Monday, July 25, 2011

'transformers 3': random comments i thought of

very spasmic many characters (human and bot alike) and cameos it was hard to focus on any one in particular...but SHOCKWAVE was AWESOME as a super cool super destructive villain...better than some human villains in recent films...central plot was a little rushed by sporadic summary narration...dempsy seems to have just stumbled into being the bad guy but didnt own the first, i really missed megan fox but by the end it really wasnt necessary to care who played the love interest cause it was basically the same role (same forced not quite genuine romance?) just a different name in the credits...but i've loved the transformers since way back when so...overall, it was an entertaining summer action flick -- no more, no less....transformers 3 in 3 words: explosions.cameos.SHOCKWAVE!

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Single-Disc Edition)Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Two-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray]

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